Stock Photo License

The license here at (12Dot) for downloading and using stock photos is super straightforward. 

What You Can Do

Any photo and/or photo set that you download for free or purchase can be used by you for any commercial or non-commercial purpose (except as noted below). You don’t need to ask permission from 12Dot (although a link would be super cool!). We genuinely, sincerely, and totally want you to make awesome stuff with these stock photos. And then make money with the awesome stuff that you made. Have at it!

“Editorial” photos available at 12Dot can be used by you for any non-commercial purpose (except as noted below). Editorial photos may contain copyrighted/trademarked material that has not been cleared for commercial use. We don’t sell them because of possible copyright issues. If you choose to use them for commercial purposes, you agree to do so at your own risk and agree that 12Dot is not responsible for your use of them. 

What You Can’t Do

You can’t sell photos or photo sets that you have downloaded or purchased from 12Dot.

You can’t compile or collect these photos to create a similar or competing service. 

You can’t upload these photos to a similar or competing service.

The Legalese License

12Dot grants you a nonexclusive and worldwide license to copy, modify, perform, and use photos from for commercial (if qualified) and non-commercial purposes. Attribution is not necessary. This license does not grant you the right to collect photos from to sell to, contribute to, or create a similar or competing service.