Free Stock Photos Shot on Film

Our designer-illustrator-graphic-artist-type buddies are always hunting for background textures and other stock photos, so we thought we’d provide some here that are shot on film (because film is awesome…and free film is doubly awesome). These photos can also be used as examples of film stocks—particularly expired or discontinued films—for photographers who want to explore different emulsions.

If you want to use any of these photos in your own work (e.g., as background textures in composites), check out the super simple license. The human-readable summary: you essentially can do anything you want with the photos except try to sell them yourself (that is to say, just don’t be a lame-o potato, and we shall be cool).

You’ll find photos grouped by each film stock here, but the most popular photos so far are embedded below for your quick downloading pleasure. We hope they’ll be useful to you!